Words, Writer & Southwest Stories: Documenting West Seattle Stories



Southwest Seattle Historical Society and historian, author, and documentary filmmaker

Join the Southwest Seattle Historical Society and historian, author, and documentary filmmaker, BJ Bullert, for our next Words, Writers, Southwest Stories on Thursday, September 12 at 6pm via Zoom. 

Bullert will discuss her work as a documentarian of local history, including the life of composer Earl Robinson, subject of a recent Desmond Hansen’s mural near West Seattle High School where Robinson went to school.

B. J. Bullert is a communication scholar and a documentary filmmaker. 

Bullert has taught communication at American University, Muhlenberg College, and the University of Washington. She has served as a Research Fellow at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University, where she studied the integral role of public relations professionals in shaping the sweatshop awareness movement. At Oxford, she studied the history of ideas and wrote a thesis about Adam Smith and the Unenlightened.

Bullert maintains an ongoing career as a documentary filmmaker. Her company, Seattle Films Hidden Histories LLC, is dedicated to producing works about the Pacific Northwest. 

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The Log House Museum is open to the public on Friday and Saturday: Noon to 4pm.